วันพุธที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553



Do you know why Thai people learned English had not standart?
Because we have been taught only parts are vacabulary and Grammar, but in fact most words in English will be used in phrase, but not the word consecutive oeder as Thai people.
Collocation is phrase to be used together or also know as one ot the words appears together, for examples, go to school, go home, Happy brithday to you, pass by, pass away etc.


I go to school. Wrong: I go school.
I go home. Wrong: I go to home.
Happy brithday to you. Wrong: Happy birthday for you.
He passed by. Wrong: He passed away.


verb+ noun = take a vacation
adjective + noun = light rain
adverb + verb = completely forget
adverb + adjective = totally awesome
adjective + preposition = tired of...
noun + noun = a business deal

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