วันอังคารที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Week # 1


This is my first blog that appropriate for everyone who wants to share informations to improve English skills with each other.
The most important thing in learning English for good teaching students is an autonomous learner both in and out class.

And finally, I will say something that important for a good teacher.
1. Critical Mind = congnitive
2. Creative Mind = new innovation
3. Productive Mind = product
Product = Product task based learning
Project = Project based learning
4. Responsible Mind

If you are all, you will can a good teacher in future.

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My album

Acting: Making Egg (English Major 04 NSTRU)

English Camp For School at Wat praprom School

Laab Kai

Learn English - Introduction to phonetics

Why are Phonetics Important? | Learn English | Vocabulary.

Long Vowel Sound

Noun Claus